Monday, August 17, 2015

Giada 9 Months

Giada turned 9 months old on the 13th and I can’t believe how much has changed in one month! She weighs 16lbs 5oz and now in the 20 percentile for weight and the 10 percentile for height. Giada is wearing size three diapers and 6-9 months in clothes. Her schedule is still the same and I love it! She eats at 7, 11, 3 and 7. She naps from 9-11, 1-3 and 4:45-5:30.  Bedtime is at 8:00 and she sleeps until 7:00 AM. Chicken is now in her diet even though she only has her two bottom teeth, but that had not stopped her from chewing the food. She is crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on everything. She is a huge flirt and never stops talking.  The poor dogs are continually chased around the house and their food bowl is her new favorite toy.

Happy 9 months baby girl!


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