Monday, August 8, 2016

Mommy Monday/Farmhouse Friday Featuring TSK Design Works

I am not sure where last week went, but time flew by and I did not post for Farmhouse Friday. Without a post on Friday, I decided to tie together Mommy Monday with Farmhouse Friday.

As a mom, I live and breath my family. Ever since we moved into our Fixer Upper, I have wanted to create a collage of our family focused around a chalkboard. With the help of TSK Design Works, I was able to create the perfect wall collage of Giada and Jocko centered around one of their chalkboard products. The chalkboard and frame added the perfect farmhouse look I envisioned.

Today I would like to introduce, TSK Design Works. TSK Design Works is an Etsy company that creates wood signs, chalkboards, large wall clocks and other home decor. I am highlighting their new chalkboard in my wall collage. In partnering with TSK Design Works, I am looking forward to featuring them for the next two Fridays and their wonderful products. 

When it came to the wall collage, I spent a good hour rearranging picture frames. With a vision in mind, I knew it would take a few times before I found the perfect arrangement .

Not only was I struggling to create the perfect collage, but my helper was rearranging the frames as I put them in place.
At first I wanted to use several different colors of frames....

I quickly realized that was not the look I was going for.

And once again, Giada found the need to  un-tape the sheet as I was working.
Now I was on to a simpler look with just black picture frames.

Once I had an idea of my arrangement, I used newspaper and printing paper to map out the collage.
Almost done...

Final Product!

Check out TSK Design Works on Etsy by clicking on this link.

Now it is time to update the pictues...

Check in Friday for Farmhouse Friday and TSK Design Works "Farmers Market" sign.

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A Walk Down Memory Lane

It's hard to believe we have lived in our fixer upper for more than 9 months! Shortly after moving into our home we went from a family ...